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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

#RedDotChallenge Busting Menstruation Myths

Adolescent girls made aware about menstrual hygiene management in a week-long activity programme by Dibrugarh district administration and UNICEF

28 May 2019

Dibrugarh: In an effort to promote women’s health and break taboos surrounding the subject of menstruation, Dibrugarh district administration, in collaboration with UNICEF, is organizing a week-long activity programme on Menstrual Hygiene Management in various parts of the district, which began from May 21. Various activities are part of the week-long programme, including essay, drawing, quiz competitions, group discussion and awareness meeting and rallies alongside educative sessions, all themed around menstrual hygiene.
In this connection, essay competitions, drama and group discussions were held in Balijan TE, Chabua TE, Jutlibari TE, Bhamun TE and Karangani TE on Sunday with the help of adolescent girls’ club formed by ABITA in tea estates. During these awareness programmes, stress was given on the significance of menstrual hygiene management, especially on cleanliness and hygienic practices. Also, adolescent girls were made aware on how to be punctual in school and maintain hygiene during their menstruation cycles as part of the programme.
Earlier, the #RedDotChallenge on Instagram was taken up by more than 40 adolescent girl participants to bust myths and taboos surrounding menstruation and generate awareness through the social media campaign #ItsTimeForAction, which is also the theme for this year’s Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28.

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